16th Annual Conference of Bone Health

The Annual Conference held on September 30th attracted attendees from all over Athens and from the periphery!
The day in numbers:
👉17 unique talks on osteoporosis, osteopenia, osteoarthritis, diet, exercise, psychology, new data on skeletal health!
👉Top 14 speakers
👉1650 Bone density tests - Strength tests in the extremities - Prevention of falls - Counseling physiotherapy - Foot scans - Podiatry assessments - Hearing measurements - Fat measurements - Calcium intake test
👉600+ participants
🙏Thanks to our distinguished speakers:
Melina Selma, Nutrition Consultant, Athanasios Floros, Rheumatologist, Spyros Pnevmatikos, Professor of Orthopedics NKUA, Director of the Third University Orthopaedic Clinic of KAT Hospital, Baylor College of Medicine, USA, Nikolaos Papaioannou, Ann. Professor of Orthopedics NKUA, former Director of HSPMS, Petros Kyriazopoulos, Chir. Orthopedics, PhD, University of Athens, Christos Kyrilis, Chir. Orthopedist, Cleopatra Arestis, MSc Dietitian-Nutritionist, Ministry of Education. PhD, Harokopio University, Athena Dimitrou, Certified First Aid Trainer, Hellenic Red Cross, Efi Grigoriou, Dietitian PhD, Ioanna Doudouni, Professor of Physical Education, Alexandra Katsouli, Psychologist-Criminologist, Dr. Ioannis Chiotis, Chir. Orthopedics-Sports Doctor, An. Director of Hygeia Orthopaedic Clinic, Panagiotis Zoumboulakis An. Professor, Department of Food Science and Technology, Collaborating Researcher, NHRF, Osteome Coordinator, Christos Komisopoulos, Physiotherapist, Maria Kouri, doctor and Director of EDDYPYY.
🙏We thank the teams of specialized scientists who offered these great exams:
Sonia Stasi - Sonia Stasi, Physiotherapist, Coordinator of the Osteosaf group
Stalo Mestana - Diet Coaching & Counseling, Clinical Dietitian, Associate of Metropolitan College
George Grimas, Biomechanist (MSc), Programme Leader BSc Podiatry, Metropolitan College
🙏We thank the Greek Patients Association and the Musculoskeletal System Diseases Research Laboratory for their auspices.
🙏We thank the sponsors and partners who helped make this action happen:
🙏EDDYPY, Hellenic Rare Patients Association, MEVGAL, Metropolitan College, PROSYFAPE – Green Pharmacies, Akoustica Medica, Bennett Pharmaceutical Industry, Beverage World, Benevax, Euromedica, Innovis, KinisiFit - Ioanna Dourdouni, Lilly Pharmaserv, Life LNB, Melinas delight cuisine
🙏Many thanks to the media sponsors: Athens 9,84, CSR&ESG week, CSR&ESG review, DailyPharmaNews.gr, iatronet, HealthDaily, HealthWeb, LiveIt.
🙏Finally, a very Big and Strong Thank You to our volunteers, our members, the girls of our Association, Eleni and Tatiana, as well as our President, Mrs. Memi Tsekoura.

Event info:

Saturday, September 30, 2023

Athens , Greece

Organized by:

Butterfly Bone Health Society

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